American Meishan Ear Tag Policy
Due to an excessive number of pigs not being tagged & the amount of time the association devotes to ensuring the bi-laws are met on this matter, an updated ear tag policy is now part of our association.
Due to an excessive number of pigs not being tagged & the amount of time the association devotes to ensuring the bi-laws are met on this matter, an updated ear tag policy is now part of our association.
When that day comes that your registered Meishan is no more, there is a protocol to follow as a member in good standing. It’s important to notify the association of certain information.
To read this full post you must be an active AMBA member.
How do I mark my pigs? (Are Ear Tags Required?) To be a member in good standing, you must have a means of identifying one
Use our free farrowing chart to help in planning the timing of your Meishan pig litters and avoid ruining major holidays and more.
For starters… CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME to the recovery effort! There are 2 pathways that this can follow. After Buying a Registered Meishan 1) You bought
We’re noticing a significant variation in recently recorded Meishan hanging weights compared to breed standard live weights. Here’s how you can help.
To read this full post you must be an active AMBA member.
Chain of custody tracking is the best way to prove ownership to maintain an active registration status in the herd book.
So you’ve sold a piglet and need to get it registered but you’re wondering, “How do I do that?”
To read this full post you must be an active AMBA member.
First off, congratulations!!! We know what a milestone that is! Next, when you can get close enough, get a male/ female head count. Register your
Six things to check to ensure you’re buying a registered meishan pig.
As the effort to preserve and document the genetics of the Meishan breed continues we are constantly adapting to the needs of the breed. And
Announcing the new Members Only Newsletter of the A.M.B.A.® -“Meishan Piglets to Meishan Pork Chops” In the course of any month we here at the
get the amba newsletter
Enjoy Meishan research, feeding and breeding advice, conservation efforts and more.
The American Meishan Breeders Association is the official registry for Meishans, offering the only on-line pedigree database of verified pure Meishan pigs.