From the A.M.B.A. President’s Desk

What to do after buying registered Meishans.

What To Do After Buying a Registered Meishan

For starters… CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME to the recovery effort! 

There are 2 pathways that this can follow. 

After Buying a Registered Meishan

1) You bought registered stock and have the original Certificate/s of Registration in hand that the seller has signed off on and given to you. 

In this case, mail that Original Certificate to:

AMBA Registrar
PO Box 983 
Monroe, GA 30655

All transfer fees are $20 per pig. You can include a check or money order for that – OR – We can send over an invoice electronically once the original certificates are received. 

NOTE: You MUST be an active AMBA member to register or transfer hogs into your name. 

2) You have bought a piglet that is not yet registered and your AMBA Member Breeder is working with the association to complete your registration. 

In this case, please provide a name to the seller for your hog ASAP so the process can work in a timely manner. 

Once the association has received this information from the selling member breeder, we’ll reach out to you to join, if you haven’t already. When you become an active member, I can invoice you for those transfer fees ($20 per piglet.)

Is There a Timeline to do This After Buying a Registered Meishan?

Yes. The sooner the better. But, if the Certificates aren’t sent in or requested within 60 days of the physical transfer of hogs, a $25 late fee per pig applies.

Once all fees are paid by each or both parties, Certificates will be created/transferred as applicable and mailed to the new owner. 

Tip: Please check your spam folder if you are anticipating an email from the association as they sometimes land there.