What to do When a Registered Meishan Hog Dies
When that day comes that your registered Meishan is no more, there is a protocol to follow as a member in good standing. It’s important to notify the association of certain information.
When that day comes that your registered Meishan is no more, there is a protocol to follow as a member in good standing. It’s important to notify the association of certain information.
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How do I mark my pigs? (Are Ear Tags Required?) To be a member in good standing, you must have a means of identifying one
Use our free farrowing chart to help in planning the timing of your Meishan pig litters and avoid ruining major holidays and more.
For starters… CONGRATULATIONS and WELCOME to the recovery effort! There are 2 pathways that this can follow. After Buying a Registered Meishan 1) You bought
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The American Meishan Breeders Association is the official registry for Meishans, offering the only on-line pedigree database of verified pure Meishan pigs.